Saturday, July 12, 2014

Paula Huston, Writer of non-Fiction and Fiction

A couple of years ago I flew to Grand Rapids, Michigan to accompany my youngest daughter on a little adventure of faith and art. Her art being the literary form of writing, fiction and non-fiction. She was a student at Savannah College of Art & Design. She was on a self guided expedition to find venues for her writing. The only lead her professors could give her was Guide Post magazine. She knew that was not what she was looking for, so she set out and I wanted to join her. She could have flown there by herself and used taxis, she was too young to rent a car. But it all sounded interesting to me, this "faith in writing" world. I was looking for faith in my reading, something different than what I could find at the Catholic book store I  frequented, or the religion section at Barnes & Noble.

So she flew in from Savannah and I from Dallas. I rented a car and we drove to Calvin College. I had not registered for the event, so I truly was a tag along. It turned out fine. I was free to peruse the book store and exhibit and hang out with other attendees in a nice comfortable, sitting area. There were several author talks I attended that were free to the public. I enjoyed them very much.

I bought several books. Two by an author named Paula Huston. One about the sacraments and one called, "Simplifying the Soul". I read parts of the first one and skimmed the "Simplifying" one. The following Lenten season I read it more in depth and become a fan of Paula's. I bought her ensuing book about aging, and continued to learn from Paula's life experiences and excellent way of relating them.

I just finished reading her latest fiction novel, A Land Without Sin. Even though it is my first experience of her writing that does not involve her personal life at all, the book makes her more real to me. For some reason, by living what she dreams, her fiction, I feel I can believe her non-fiction. I loved the novel. I appreciate her spiritual non-fiction and I love her. I used to want to meet her, but now I feel I would be too in awe of her. It would make her uncomfortable. So I will just keep reading her work.

My daughter, Aubrey, has met her. Paula teaches in the MFA Creative Writing Program for which Aubrey is the coordinator. I would love to hear her speak, especially about writing non-fiction vs. fiction.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Laughter is the Best Exercise

This morning my daughter, Haley, came over to deliver her dog, Butters. Charlie, my huband of 34 years, and I are dogsitting for the weekend. Butters is a sweet golden retriever who always defers to our golden, Dolly, and keeps her young with her tail chasing antics. We love her, and as I grow old and have a grandson, Atticus, 2,200 miles away, I take what I can get, as far as grand love.

I had asked Haley to inquire of her intelligent patent lawyer husband, Zach, what it would involve to trademark my exercise prayer routine, SaBFaB with ACTS. I have been sharing it with my neighbors  and friends. They seem to appreciate and be happy about my "Adoration poses, Contrition poses, Thanksgiving poses and Supplication poses" while we "Stretch and Breathe, Focus and Balance". I burn a CD with the yoga music to give them; three songs for each set of poses, with the final song, "Reflections", to lay on the floor, let go of everything and contemplate Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God". Along with my handout I use to teach my gifted 4th and 5th graders, they thank me sincerely.

Haley related to me that she told Zach about SaBFaB with ACTS and he did what he always does before he gives his opinion on such matters, typed "Sabfab Helen Allison", into the google word search slot and looked at what came up. He found this blog. Neither he nor Haley knew I had a blog. Actually, no one that I know of knows I have this blog. I only started it so I could comment on other blogs, especially my daughters, Aubrey and Haley's.

Haley let me know that what she and Zach read was entertaining. They really laughed over especially the last post. I had actually forgotten what I had written so I pulled it up on my smart phone. Charlie was sitting with us, so he asked to read it. He started laughing so hard tears can down his face. He read it aloud to remind me what I had written. The Bon Jovi concert Haley had treated me to came back to mind. "Because We Can".  We all three laughed until we, well, you know when you laugh really hard what can happen. Fortunately my SaBFaB exercises have strengthened all muscles including the ones needed to control oneself when laughing or sneezing with force.

It was a great morning. We all needed a good laugh. It felt like a gift, a blessing to laugh mightily together. It's humbling when I am being serious and people laugh. But I like the feelings. It's good exercise.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Because I Can

It has all been said, and said better than I can ever hope to say it. But, here I am. I am going to write my thoughts and observations. Why? Like the theme or anthem of the Bon Jovi concert I attended last night, "because we can", or because I can.

All sorts of thoughts travel through my head. some of which I will share with anyone who may care to read. Though I'm quite sure just about everyone has something better to do. But if you got this far, maybe you are curious or considerate or kind or compulsive and have to finish what you start. And you started reading and here you are about to finish. Because I changed my mind. I'm not going to share my thoughts.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Atticus, Sweet Grandson

What a blessing to have my grandson and his mother at our (my husband's and myself's) house. I am getting to know them a little better and thoroughly enjoying their presence. Atticus is almost 16 months old. He is walking and babbling, so energetic and communicative in his toddler way. He is a very peaceful little guy. He reminds me of the beattitude in Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am currently reading at least three books by authors attempting to instruct and share their faith journey. One, "Breaking Free", by the ever saintly, Beth Moore. I am sharing this book with four of my best freinds. We get together and share our thoughts and feelings, and mostly our lives, in relation to our own faith journey. I love the fellowship and really need it at this period in my life. These women are amazing and enrich my life through Christ. What a gift they are to me.

The second book is one my daughter, Aubrey, read and it changed her life. A mom of one of her friends shared it with her at a very pivotal time in her life. I kind of felt bad that I was not the mom who shared this book with my daughter, but the gratitude I have for the mom who did far outweighs any bad feelings I might have experienced (It is just my ol' pride anyway.). The book is "Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes: A 31 Day Devotional" by June Hunt. I love reading the bible verses and underlining them in my bible and thinking about it in my life. Another gift.

The final book I am reading is one my daughter, Haley, challenged me to read for lent, "Stronger: Forty Days of Metal and Spirituality" by Brian "Head" Welch, the former lead guitarist for the hard rock band, "KORN". I remember when my son, Dan, made a t-shirt with his artwork representing that band. I looked it up on the internet to see what kind of band it was. Yikes! I started praying for God's will on that one. Now I am reading this guy's wonderful story and his reflections on his favorite bible verses. Again, I am underlining those verses in my bible and doing some refection myself. My cup runneth over.

Finally, I have started going to 8:00a.m. mass every morning that I am able. Again, the gift of community along with God's Word and the body and blood of my savior, Jesus Christ, what more could I want. All praise and glory to God. I do not deserve all that I have, but thank you very much anyway. I love you Lord.

By the way, I am really sorry about that pride thing. It is one of my main problems. Guide me Lord.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hard Work

I read this morning in Luke's gospel, chapter 12, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
I have found this to be true in my life and has great relevance right now. I also read in the same chapter in Luke, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be."
When I think about what I have been given, I think about my sweet husband, my intelligent, healthy offspring, wonderful friends and extented family, financial security, abilities to reason, read, write, talk, see....the list goes on and on. But with these things come great responsibility that sometimes overwhelms me. It is good to retreat as Jesus did on numerous occasions. I must think about my treasure, which, I hope is not all the wonderful people and things I listed above. It is my relationship with my Father, God and His Son, Jesus. The gift of the Holy Spirit keeps me going when I am weak, which, by the way, is often if not always. Thank you Father God for my treasure, your Son. Keep giving me your Holy Spirit to help me with all my gifts. Amen

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The bible speaks a lot about patience. Paul's letters to the the Romans says, "But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." And "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him."